Daily Archives: May 23, 2024

2024-05-23: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-05-23). Iran's President Raisi Joined BRICS, Pushed For Multipolar World. popularresistance.org Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on May 19, left behind a legacy of working to build a more multipolar world. | Under Raisi, Iran joined BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Global South-led institutions that he noted could challenge US unilateralism and hegemony. | The late Iranian leader advocated a "Look East" strategy, strengthening relations with China, Russia, and other countries in Asia. | Raisi represented a more nationalist wing of the political class in Tehran, which sees the futility of trying to win Western approval, and instead recognizes that Iran's politica…

infobrics (2024-05-23). Advantages of Vietnam's Involvement in BRICS. infobrics.org On a recent visit to Vietnam, Associate Professor Dr. Artem Yakovlev, Director of the Center for Russian Strategy in Asia, engaged in talks with the Prime Minister regarding the potential for economic collaboration between Vietnam and the Russian Federation…

newleftreview (2024-05-23). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Mel Gurtov (2024-05-23). China Calls the Shots with Russia and Europe. counterpunch.org Putin the Supplicant Xi Jinping's balancing act with Russia and the West took on a new challenge with Vladimir Putin's arrival in Beijing on May 16. It was roughly the 40th such meeting of these supposedly old friends. Once again Xi had to demonstrate loyalty to Russia in its war in Ukraine while also showing sensitivity

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-05-23). National Endowment For Democracy continues to weaponize human rights. mronline.org The latest example is its pressing for release of John McCain pallbearer from Siberian jail while it ignores a socialist arrested by the Ukrainian intelligence services and another socialist who was murdered.

latintimes (2024-05-23). Russian Assets Plan For Aiding Ukraine To Dominate G7 Meet. latintimes.com Top of the agenda is a plan to finance crucial aid to Ukraine using the interest generated by the 300 billion euros ($325 billion) of Russian central bank assets frozen by the G7 and Europe.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-05-23). Moscow to respond to Norway for banning entry of Russian tourists. plenglish.com Moscow, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Moscow will take retaliatory measures against the ban imposed by Norway on the entrance of Russian tourists into the country, presidential spokesman Dmitri Peskov declared.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-23). Russia to react if Japan repeals pacifist article of its Constitution. plenglish.com Moscow, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Russia will take countermeasures if Japan repeals Article 9 of its Constitution, which provides for the renunciation of the Armed Forces, Lyudmila Vorobieva, director of the Third Asian Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on Thursday.

teleSUR (2024-05-23). Russian Military Downs Air Targets Over Belgorod. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov confirmed that Russian air defense system shot down several air targets over his city. | RELATED: | In Belgorod, direct hits from projectiles have caused damage to two children's camps in the city. Besides, there was a fire of dry grass covering an area of 50 square meters. | Following the repulsion of a Ukrainian air attack in the village of Tavrovo, three private residentia…

ecns.cn (2024-05-23). UK's accusation of China providing lethal aid to Russia totally groundless: Chinese Embassy. ecns.cn The Chinese Embassy in the UK called Britain's Defense Secretary Grant Shapps' accusation against China of "providing or preparing to provide Russia with lethal aid" in the Russia-Ukraine conflict totally groundless.

WSWS (2024-05-23). German Foreign Minister Baerbock's war visit to Kiev. wsws.org The plans pursued by German Foreign Minister Baerbock and Defence Minister Pistorius for the expansion of air defences in Ukraine are aimed at preparing for direct NATO intervention in the conflict against Russia.

John Wojcik (2024-05-23). Danger of world war grows by the day over Ukraine. peoplesworld.org Almost by the day, the news about the war in Ukraine and the threat of world war grows worse. The latest reports on Thursday suggest that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other key officials in the Biden administration are pushing to allow the firing of U.S.-supplied weapons into Russian territory by Ukraine. Those reports …

Finbarr Bermingham (2024-05-23). British defence minister says China plans to provide Russia with 'lethal aid' for Ukraine war. scmp.com Defence chief Grant Shapps tells military conference US and British intelligence have proof 'Russia and China are collaborating on combat equipment for use in Ukraine'.

Igor Patrick (2024-05-23). US at G7 to keep pressing China to halt its Russia military support, seeking Ukraine war stoppage. scmp.com Janet Yellen expected to restate American call for firms and financial institutions in China and elsewhere to 'cease' backing Moscow's defence complex.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Ukraine War Disrupts Eagle Migration Patterns — Study. themoscowtimes.com Greater spotted eagles are now flying on average 85 kilometers more during migration seasons in areas impacted by the war.

WSWS (2024-05-23). NATO war on Russia in Ukraine drove attempted murder of Slovakia's Fico. wsws.org Fico was targeted for murder over his criticisms of NATO's war with Russia in Ukraine, and European media are hailing his shooting, claiming it will intimidate Moscow.

WSWS (2024-05-23). Members of Congress demand White House authorize Ukrainian strikes inside Russia. wsws.org On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of members of the House of Representatives called on the White House to formally authorize Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russian territory, a move that Russian officials had previously warned would trigger war between Russia and NATO.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Russia Downs Ukrainian Drone in Republic of Tatarstan. themoscowtimes.com Airports in the capital Kazan and the city of Nizhnekamsk had earlier introduced flight restrictions over threats of an attack.

aljazeera (2024-05-23). Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 818. aljazeera.com As the war enters its 818th day, these are the main developments.

WSWS (2024-05-23). Failed pro-imperialist coup targets Democratic Republic of Congo. wsws.org The coup took place as Washington and its NATO allies wage a bitter struggle for influence in Africa with China and Russia, amid the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Woman Killed in Drone Strike on Russia's Belgorod Region. themoscowtimes.com Russia's Defense Ministry said air defense systems shot down 35 Ukrainian missiles and three drones over the Belgorod region overnight.

newleftreview (2024-05-23). Joy Neumeyer: Moscow's Story. newleftreview.org Joy Neumeyer on Jade McGlynn, Memory Makers and Russia's War. Twin studies, scholarly and less so, of the uses of the past in Putin's war for Ukraine.

WSWS (2024-05-23). Brazil's Morenoite-led union federation cements ties with UAW based on support for war. wsws.org The recent tour of the US by officials of the CSP-Conlutas union federation served to integrate it into support for the emerging US war against Russia and China.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Deputy Chief of Russia's General Staff Arrested for Bribery. themoscowtimes.com Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin is the third senior-ranking officer to face fraud-related criminal charges over the past month.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Norway Bans Entry to Russian Tourists. themoscowtimes.com Neighboring Finland imposed similar restrictions for Russian citizens as thousands fled the Kremlin's "partial" mobilization in the fall of 2022.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Putin Signs Decree Allowing for Seizure of U.S. Property in Russia. themoscowtimes.com The decree listed real estate, personal property, securities, shares and property rights as potential U.S.-owned assets liable for seizure.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Estonia Says Russia Removed Buoys From Narva River Amid Border Dispute. themoscowtimes.com The floating markers are used to prevent boats from accidentally straying into foreign waters.

aljazeera (2024-05-23). Russia arrests another general on bribery charges. aljazeera.com Authorities arrest Lieutenant-General Vadim Shamarin, latest in a string of bribery arrests of high-ranking officials.

ecns.cn (2024-05-23). China's first overseas nuclear power unit gains acceptance in Pakistan. ecns.cn The K2 unit of Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, which use Hualong One, China's third-generation nuclear power technology obtained an acceptance certificate in Pakistan, its operator, China National Nuclear Corp announced on Monday.

Reuters (2024-05-23). US expected to designate Kenya as major non-Nato ally as Biden hosts Ruto in state visit. scmp.com A designation would reflect Washington's drive to deepen relations with the East African nation, which has long also had close relations with Russia and China.

C. Uday Bhaskar (2024-05-23). Putin's visit to China brings new cold war — and nuclear threat — ever closer. scmp.com This month's high-level diplomatic visits offer a glimpse into how world powers are repositioning themselves for the sake of national interests. No matter how intense geopolitical competition might get, great powers must not cross red lines into nuclear confrontation — tactical or otherwise.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). At Least 8 Killed in Moscow Region Hostel Fire. themoscowtimes.com Police launched a criminal investigation into negligent homicide following the incident.

Reuters (2024-05-23). Russia detains fourth top defence figure for alleged bribe-taking. scmp.com A military court ordered Vadim Shamarin, deputy head of Russia's General Staff, remanded in custody. It was the latest in a series of arrests of top military officials.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-05-23). Georgia: Last chance to stop Russian-style crackdown on civil society. fidh.org International human rights organisations, civil society groups, and election observers are urging European and national leaders to promptly address the Georgian government's attempt to crackdown on civil society as the country approaches its General Elections in October.
Since April 15th Georgians have been rallying in protest against the proposed "Transparency of Foreign Influence" law, which bears striking resemblance to the Russian so called "Foreign Agent Law". This law threatens to (…) | – |

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-05-23). Ucrania ataca con un dron la central nuclear de Zaporiyia. telesurtv.net "El bombardeo de civiles, así como de la central nuclear de Zaporiyia y sus infraestructuras, es inaceptable y constituye inequívocamente un acto terrorista".

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Zelensky asks NATO to shoot down Russian missiles. presstv.ir Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky urges NATO to shoot down Russian missiles over the skies of his country.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Zelensky asks NATO to shoot down Russian missiles. presstv.ir Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky urges NATO to shoot down Russian missiles over the skies of his country.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Putin signs decree allowing authorities to seize US property in Russia. presstv.ir The decree established a special procedure for compensating the damage caused to Russia and its Central Bank by the US government.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Putin calls Raeisi martyrdom 'a great loss', says will continue to boost Iran ties. presstv.ir Putin calls the tragic death of his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raeisi "a great loss".

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Putin calls Raeisi martyrdom 'a great loss', says will continue to boost Iran ties. presstv.ir Putin calls the tragic death of his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raeisi "a great loss".

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