2023-05-05: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). China calls for avoiding escalation in Ukraine crisis after Kremlin drone attack. ecns.cn The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that China has noted the relevant reports, and China calls on all parties to avoid any action that could further escalate the situation.

WSWS (2023-05-05). New Zealand boosts support for US-NATO war against Russia in Ukraine. wsws.org The Labour Party-led government will extend the deployment of New Zealand troops to train Ukrainian soldiers in Britain, while strengthening ties with the US and Australia to prepare for war with China.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Chinese FM reiterates call for peace talk to resolve Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang Thursday reiterated China's core position on promoting peace talks to help achieve the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

Alba Ciudad, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-05-05). Ukraine Attacks Kremlin With Drones To Assassinate Putin. popularresistance.org Ukraine attacked the Kremlin with drones early this Wednesday, May 3, in an action that is being considered an assassination attempt against Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Russian authorities, who described the attack as a planned terrorist action. | The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, arrived by surprise in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, for a summit of Nordic heads of government, together with the leaders of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. He was received this Wednesday at the presidential palace in Helsinki by his Finnish counterpart, Sauli Niinistà∂, in the first visit…

Alexander Rubinstein (2023-05-05). Ukrainian Banker Offers Cash for Drone Terror in Russia. orinocotribune.com By Alexander Rubinstein ∑ May 2, 2023 | Days before a failed drone assassination targeting Putin, Ukrainian banking baron Volodymyr Yatsenko offered a $500,000 bounty to any weapons maker able to land a drone in Red Square during Moscow's upcoming Victory Day parade. | On April 23, a Ukrainian drone laden with 30 Canadian-made C4 explosive blocks crashed near Rudnevo Industrial Park in Moscow. Ukraine-based operators deployed the 37 LB arsenal in a failed bid to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was scheduled to visit Rudnevo that day. | The drone ultimately failed to hit its target, crashing…

Victor Grossman (2023-05-05). Poetry politics and war: Berlin Bulletin no. 210, May 3, 2023. mronline.org The fearful destruction, the displacement of families, above all the killing and maiming must be deplored, condemned and brought to an end. But the underlying reasons for this terrible war, concealed in the media, must also be mercilessly examined, regardless of well-orchestrated accusations of "Putin-friendship" or "left-over allegiance to a past Soviet Russia".

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Chinese and Russian FMs exchange views on sidelines of SCO event in India. ecns.cn China is willing to work with Russia to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen strategic communication, and consolidate and deepen cooperation in various fields.

WSWS (2023-05-05). Ideological opponents of the Ukrainian government are waiting for prison or death. wsws.org This article, which paints a chilling picture of state-led repression of any form of opposition to the Ukrainian government and the war against Russia, was submitted to the WSWS by Maxim Goldarb, the head of the banned Union of Left Forces (For a New Socialism) party.

Staff (2023-05-05). Maduro Speaks With Putin About Attack on Kremlin. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, spoke by telephone this Thursday, May 4, with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, to express the support of the Venezuelan people after the assassination attempt against him at the Kremlin. | This was reported by President Maduro via social media. "Today, May 4, I had a telephone conversation with President Vladimir Putin to express all the support of the Venezuelan people, in the face of the terrorist attack on the Kremlin," he wrote. "We also talked about the importance of deepening bilateral cooperation relations between the Russian Federation and the Bolivarian R…

WSWS (2023-05-05). US media promotes absurd claim that Russia staged attack on Kremlin. wsws.org Following Wednesday's drone attack on the official residence of Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, the US media sprang into action to promote the claim that Russia staged the attacks.

Joe Piette (2023-05-05). Community leaders, petitioners, fashionistas agree: "No Arena in Chinatown!'. workers.org Philadelphia Piled in front of a Philadelphia City Hall entrance April 27, were 18 boxes filled with 15,000 petitions and 3,000 written postcards opposing the proposal to build a $1.3 billion 76ers' basketball arena. This would lead to the destruction of one of the last neighborhoods in the city's downtown . . . |

Andrew Bacewich (2023-05-05). China's rise as a superpower and the crumbling US empire. indybay.org Chinese diplomacy seems to me to be more imaginative and potentially more effective. That means that the world is changing in important and dramatic ways in terms of the distribution of power and influence around the world. | China is actually emerging as a global superpower on a par with the United States of America.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-05). US, Philippines Make Defense Commitment in South China Sea Official. news.antiwar.com The US and the Philippines on Wednesday agreed on new guidelines for the 1951 US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty that formalize the US commitment to going to war if Philippine vessels come under attack in the South China Sea. For years now, US officials have pledged to the Philippines that it would intervene in the event …

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Norwegian seafood sells swimmingly in China. ecns.cn China's consolidated economic rebound, the expansion of middle-income groups and consumers' greater importance paid to health and nutrition all point to huge growth potential for Norwegian seafood exporters, said Christian Chramer.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). More Chinese flights to be allowed into the U.S. ecns.cn The United States will permit Chinese airlines to increase passenger flights between the two countries to 12 round trips a week, equal to the number China has allowed for U.S. airlines, the United States Department of Transportation said on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Tourism recovery 'will continue'. ecns.cn China's tourism industry is expected to experience a sustained recovery this year, after its best performance in the May Day holiday since COVID-19 hit the industry in 2019.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Tourist who fed giant panda with corncob banned from visiting for life in Chengdu. ecns.cn A tourist has been banned from visiting giant pandas for life in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, southwest China's Sichuan Province, after she tried to feed a giant panda there with a corncob, according to a statement issued by the panda breeding WeChat account Panda Valley on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Bans on street vendors rolled back. ecns.cn Authorities in some cities across China are taking another look at their bans on street vendors, as the nation seeks a variety of ways of reinvigorating local economies as it emerges from the shock waves of the pandemic.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Revamp of Qinghai-Tibet Railway to reduce travel time. ecns.cn Progress continues on the renovation of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway with the section between Xining and Golmud expected to be complete by year's end, according to China Railway Qinghai-Tibet Group.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). (W.E. Talk) Why do we still commemorate Karl Marx in 21st century. ecns.cn Why do we still commemorate Marx in 21st century? How do we understand the "Chinese characteristics" in Chinese Marxist thoughts? Why do some people say that China has a brighter prospect than the West in dealing with climate change, income inequality, and other problems that face the world as a whole?

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Global chip giants' losses expand in first quarter. ecns.cn Major international chipmakers have reported rising losses in the first quarter of 2023 amid weak demand and sweeping U.S. chip export curbs on China, the world's largest semiconductor market.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). China has no interest in interfering in Canada's internal affairs: Chinese FM. ecns.cn China never has any interest in interfering in Canada's internal affairs, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). China's modernization wows int'l students. ecns.cn International students in China said they are impressed by the country's rapid development and the Chinese path to modernization, which is based on common prosperity for all, cultural advancement, harmony between people and nature, and peaceful development.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Concert held at karst cave in Guizhou. ecns.cn Artists perform at Shuanghe Cave, the longest in Asia, and the sixth-longest in the world, in Zunyi, southwest China's Guizhou Province, May 4, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Buffaloes swim across Jialing River in Sichuan. ecns.cn More than 100 buffaloes swim across the Jialing River in the morning to graze on an island in middle of the river in Youfanggou village of Xiangru town, Peng'an County, Nanchong City in southwest China's Sichuan Province, May 3, 2023.

Sam Wainwright (2023-05-05). AUKUS and militarism, not China, is our greatest threat. greenleft.org.au The Defence Strategic Review doesn't contain any surprises, argues Sam Wainwright. It abandons any pretence that military expenditure has anything to do with defence, conceding that it's all about helping the United States project its military power into Asia.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-05-05). Cuba to take part in CIS games with 12 other countries in Belarus. plenglish.com Minsk, May 5 (Prensa Latina) Nine countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Cuba, China, Egypt and Mongolia will participate in the 2nd Sports Games to be hosted by Belarus in August, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Petrishenko announced.

channelnewsasia (2023-05-05). Marcos says US access to Philippine bases not meant for 'offensive action'. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-05-05). China turnaround challenge dwarfs Adidas' Yeezy debacle. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-05-05). JPMorgan's Dimon to visit mainland China for first time in 4 years -sources. channelnewsasia.com

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Feed corn export channel from South African to China opens. ecns.cn The first shipment of imported feed corn from South Africa arrived at Machong Port in south China's Guangdong Province on Thursday, marking the opening of a new export channel from South Africa to China.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Construction of main structure of China's highest-altitude UHV substation starts. ecns.cn The main part of the Ganzi 1000 kV ultra-high voltage substation officially commenced construction in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, which is currently the highest-altitude ultra-high voltage substation under construction in China.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). China, Laos to hold joint military drills. ecns.cn Chinese and Lao militaries will hold joint military exercises in May in Laos, China's Defense Ministry said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-05-05). Chinese ambassador strongly rejects 'interference' rumors by Canada. ecns.cn The Chinese Ambassador to Canada reiterated China's stern position and strong protest against the Canadian side's threat to expel relevant Chinese diplomatic and consular personnel based on rumors of the so-called "China Interference" hyped up by some Canadian politicians and media.

teleSUR (2023-05-05). China Cultural Center to Promote Tea Culture in Brussels. telesurenglish.net A cultural salon centered on the conventional techniques associated with Chinese tea preparation and social customs is scheduled to commence operations for public access on Friday, following the inauguration event held on Thursday at the China Cultural Center located in Brussels. | Related: | The invitees present at the event were extended an invitation to immerse themselves in the intricate facets of the Chinese cultur…

WSWS (2023-05-05). CDC confirms that its 2023 Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference became a COVID superspreader event. wsws.org The four-day conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention became a superspreader event.

teleSUR (2023-05-05). UN Call For Closing Funding Gap to Salvage Oil Tanker off Yemen. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, a spokesperson for the United Nations emphasized the "crucial need" of acquiring additional funds to address the funding deficit in order to rescue the Safer oil tanker located along the Red Sea coast of Yemen. | Related: | On Thursday, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands organized a fundraiser event in support of the United Nations' Safer project, resulting in a total pledged amount of $5.6 million dollars. During a media briefing, Farhan Haq, the deputy spokesp…

channelnewsasia (2023-05-05). Indonesia quietly engaging key stakeholders in Myanmar crisis: Foreign minister. channelnewsasia.com

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-05-05). China advierte que avance de la OTAN socava la paz de Asia. telesurtv.net Según reportes de prensa, la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) pretende abrir una oficina en Japón para el 2024.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-05-05). Clausuran reunión de ministros de Cultura del G77 + China en Cuba. telesurtv.net La declaración final fue consultada con los miembros en la sede de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco) en París.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-05-05). Sesiona en Cuba reunión de ministros de Cultura del G77 + China. telesurtv.net Al decir del ministro de Cultura de Cuba, la cita pretende reflexionar sobre promocionar la cultura como bien público.

Ann Brown (2023-05-04). Days After Drone Strike Against Kremlin, America Trains In Houston For Nuclear War. moguldom.com The United States has been holding a week-long nuclear training exercise in Houston. Drills started May 1 and will wrap up May 5. The exercise is being led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the military, and interestingly, Russia claimed drone strikes were carried out against them during the same week. The Kremlin said …

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