2023-04-06: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-04-06). Ukrainian parliament approves anti-Russian law to "decolonize" place names. wsws.org The wholesale renaming of Ukrainian towns, streets, parks, and squares, has been lauded by the country's far-right who seek to replace historical truth with far-right nationalist propaganda.

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-06). Stoltenberg Says Ukraine Must Win the War to Become a NATO Member. news.antiwar.com NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday that in order for Ukraine to become a NATO member, it must prevail in its war with Russia and become more interoperable with the Western military alliance. "NATO's position is that Ukraine will become a member of the alliance, and that position has not changed. But we know that …

Editor (2023-04-06). Sparing the Athletes: Revising the Russia-Belarus Sporting Ban. scheerpost.com By Binoy Kampmark / CounterPunch Collateral damage? Deserving and worthy of their punishment? The exclusion and banishment of Russian and Belarusian athletes has become the acceptable prejudice of many governments and a slew of sporting bodies. After the invasion of Ukraine in February last year, a number banded together to find ways to punish Russia, …

Ingar Solty & K D Kolenda (2023-04-06). Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war. indybay.org Like every war in history, the Ukrainian war has a prehistory that does not begin with Russia's invasion of the neighboring country nearly a year ago, or even in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Second, the war has an immense potential for escalation.

Staff (2023-04-06). Headlines for April 6, 2023. democracynow.org Israel Raids Al-Aqsa Mosque for Second Night, Bombs Gaza in Response to Rocket Fire, New Studies Find Ice Sheets Are Vulnerable to Rapid Collapse from Global Heating, Saudi and Iranian Envoys Agree to Reopen Embassies in China-Brokered Deal, France's Macron Asks China's Xi to "Bring Russia to Its Senses" over Ukraine, House Speaker Meets Taiwanese President, Urges Speed-Up of U.S. Arms Deliveries, Pence Won't Appeal Order to Testify to Federal Grand Jury over Jan. 6 Insurrection, Indiana, Idaho and Kansas Latest States to Pass Laws Violating Trans Rights, Texas Agrees to Pay $144M to…

Staff (2023-04-06). Calls Grow for Russia to Free Jailed U.S. Journalist Evan Gershkovich, Accused of Espionage. democracynow.org We speak with Joshua Yaffa, a close friend of Evan Gershkovich, The Wall Street Journal reporter who has been jailed in Russia since his arrest last week, when he was accused of trying to obtain state secrets related to the Russian military — days after the United States indicted a Russian man in Brazil on espionage charges. Gershkovich's parents left the Soviet Union for the United States before he was born, and he has reported in Russia since 2017. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. Press freedom groups have denounced his arrest and urged Russia to immediately release him. Yaffa is The…

____ (2023-04-06). About Transmashholding And Indian Contract. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Some people (in the West) have no idea how huge Russian RZhD and

Tina Ngo, Ningshun Chen, Wai Lee Chin Feman (2023-04-06). Chinatowns squeezed between capitalist development, new Cold War. liberationnews.org For decades, Chinatowns across the United States have been under attack by racist capitalist developments.

____ (2023-04-06). U.S. urged to forego Cold War mentality in ties with China. ecns.cn The United States needs to reject the Cold War framework, as it is at a crossroads in relations with China, and is unfortunately and dangerously going down the wrong path, according to a recent opinion piece.

Subcommandante Marcos (2023-04-06). The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle. indybay.org Toward the end of the Cold War, capitalism created a military horror: the neutron bomb, a weapon that destroys life while leaving buildings intact. During the Fourth World War, however, a new wonder has been discovered: the financial bomb. This new bomb destroys the polis (here, the nation), imposing death, terror, and misery .

David Giesen (2023-04-06). Saturday 4/8: What Putin's invasion tells us about housing issues: a walking tour. indybay.org American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco…

____ (2023-04-06). Breakthroughs bring quantum processing closer. ecns.cn Quantum computing could reshape how we solve complex problems and process sums of data previously thought impossible to handle.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-04-06). Presidente ruso reconoce acertada política exterior mexicana. telesurtv.net Vladímir Putin destacó que el intercambio comercial entre los dos países alcanzó 4.000 millones de dólares en el 2022.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-04-06). China y Francia profundizan cooperación económica. telesurtv.net Firman nuevos acuerdos de colaboración y manifiestan su intención de avanzar en el ámbito aeroespacial, la energía nuclear con fines civiles y otras áreas.

Anonymous103 (2023-04-05). Ukrainian Kamikaze Pilot "Mistakenly" Crashed In Russia. southfront.org On April 6, a Ukrainian light-engine plane crashed in the Klintsovsky district of the Russian border Bryansk region. According to the border department of the Federal Security Service of Russia, "the plane crashed near the village of Butovsk for unknown reasons." | The pilot, who tried to escape to Ukrainian territory, was detained. He was armed with an AKS-74U assault rifle and he had a bulletproof vest. | According to media reports, the A-22 Flying Fox airplane that landed in an eme…

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