2023-05-03: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2023-05-03). BREAKING: Game-Changing Attempt On Russian President Putin In Kremlin. southfront.org Illustrative Image | On the night of May 3, the Kiev regime attempted to strike at the Kremlin. Explosions were reported in Moscow after two drones targeted the Kremlin residence of the President of Russia. | The Kremlin's press service reported that Moscow assesses the attack as "a planned terrorist action and an attempt on the President of the Russian Federation.""The Russian side has the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees necessary," the Kre…

infobrics (2023-05-03). Russia-China Trade Booming. infobrics.org The two countries are on pace to hit $200 billion in turnover this year…

infobrics (2023-05-03). On Russia-South Africa/Africa. infobrics.org South Africa-Russia relations are not new. They date back decades before South Africa arrived at a democratic dispensation in 1994; a journey in which Russia provided a lot of support. During the recent visit to South Africa of Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov, it was agreed that the two countries need to further deepen relations and cooperation in most spheres, including political, economic, security and social ones, as well as in multilateral and international forums…

_____ (2023-05-03). A new world order is emerging. journal-neo.org The special military operation in Ukraine has served as a watershed moment in the evolution of new international relations. The West, led by the United States, was able to rally behind the imposition of unprecedentedly broad sanctions against Russia. At the same time, our adversaries applied immense strain on emerging economies, coercing them to align […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Dave DeCamp, Antiwar. (2023-05-03). Key Nations Don't Want To Follow The US On Russia, China Policies. popularresistance.org Leaked intelligence documents show that key nations, including some of the most populous in the world, don't want to follow along with President Biden's policies toward Russia and China, The Washington Post reported Saturday. | The report cited intelligence assessments allegedly leaked by Jack Teixeira that show the private thinking of several major countries, including India, Brazil, Pakistan, and Egypt. | While the US and India have increased military ties in recent years to cooperate against China, New Delhi has maintained a good relationship with Russia and has become a major buyer of Russian oil.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-03). Blinken Says Ukraine's Army in Better Shape Than Discord Leaks Show. news.antiwar.com Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday that Ukraine's military is capable of launching a counteroffensive and regaining territory from Russia despite what Pentagon documents leaked on Discord have revealed. One of the leaked documents allegedly released by Jack Teixeira was an intelligence assessment that said Ukraine would fall "well short" of its goals to …

infobrics (2023-05-03). Despite American pressures, India to engage in both SCO and QUAD. infobrics.org Be it in the Pacific or in Eurasia, India diplomacy is to remain based on the pragmatism which has characterized it since the Cold War.

infobrics (2023-05-03). Kiev expresses "regret" to India for insulting Hindu goddess Kali but refuses to apologise. infobrics.org Ukraine wants to pivot New Delhi away from Moscow, attempting to undo decades of fruitful and longstanding relations.

_____ (2023-05-03). Will Russian Tactical Nukes in Belarus Become a Game Changer? strategic-culture.org The historic — and unacceptable — deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in several European NATO states as well as the recent announcement by Britain of supplying depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine is the prologue to Russia's decision to place tactical nukes in Belarus. | (Click on the image to enlarge)…

Zainer Pimentel (2023-05-03). Brazil refuses to participate in the Ukraine war. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in More than a year into this terrible war, formally triggered by Russia invading Ukraine and sustained with active support from the Western consortium, the now distant attempts at negotiations aborted in Turkey would suggest that reopening a peace process…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-03). US Sells Taiwan 400 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles as US-Chinese Tensions Rise. libya360.wordpress.com Brian Berletic As the US continues its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, it also continues preparations for a similar conflict with China using the island province of Taiwan as its proxy of choice in Asia. Toward this end, the US continues flooding the island province with billions of dollars worth of weapons. One of…

teleSUR (2023-05-03). Ukraine Tried to Attack the Kremlin With Drones. telesurenglish.net In the early hours of Wednesday, Ukraine attempted to attack the Kremlin with drones. This action is considered by the Russian authorities as an assassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin. | RELATED: | "Tonight the Kiev regime tried to hit the residence of the President of the Russian Federation with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS)," the Kremlin said in a statement. | "Two UAVs were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of tim…

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-03). Denmark to deploy NATO battalion to Estonia "in event of crisis" — war with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agence France-PresseMay 3, 2023 Denmark to send Nato battalion to Latvia in 2024 Denmark will send a Nato battalion to Latvia next year to help support the Baltic state following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the defence ministry said Tuesday. "As of mid-2024, Denmark will make a battalion available to Nato for the defence of the …

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-03). Russia: 2 Drones Attempted To Take Putin Out In Moscow, Deemed Terrorist Attack. moguldom.com Russia said it thwarted two drones in an attack to assassinate President Vladimir Putin in Moscow's Kremlin Tuesday night, blaming Ukraine without evidence and threatening retaliation for what some on social media described as a false flag operation lacking in credibility. Ukrainian presidential spokesman Serhiy Nykyforov dismissed the attack allegations, saying, "We have no information …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-03). Russia Says Ukraine Tried to Kill Putin in Drone Attack. news.antiwar.com The Russian government said Wednesday that Ukraine tried to kill President Vladimir Putin in a drone attack that targeted the Kremlin and that Russia has the right to respond "whenever and wherever it sees fit." According to the Russian news agency TASS, the Kremlin was targeted early Wednesday morning by two drones that were taken …

Eric Zuesse (2023-05-03). The Pending WW III Resolution in Congress to Defend Ukraine Against Russia. globalresearch.ca

John Feffer (2023-05-03). U.S. and Ukraine: Sending Arms or Twisting Arms? fpif.org The Biden administration has tried to strike a balance between helping Ukraine expel Russian invaders and avoiding a potentially catastrophic showdown with the Kremlin. That balance will become increasingly difficult to maintain in 2023.

Military Watch Magazine (2023-05-03). Russian Strikes Across Frontlines Destroy Hundreds of Tons of Ukrainian Munitions: Attrition Limiting Ukraine's Ability to Sustain War. globalresearch.ca

Ulrike Simon (2023-05-03). Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? indybay.org For Putin, the intention to admit Ukraine to NATO was a breach of "the agreement made with NATO after the fall of the Berlin Wall not to expand it" (2: 34: 20). Just as the Americans claimed hegemony over the Western Hemisphere according to their "centuries-old Monroe Doctrine," Putin considers Ukraine his "backyard."

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2023-05-03). Biden Slams Arrest Of US Journalist In Russia But Pursues Assange. popularresistance.org May 3, 2023, will mark the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, which the United Nations established to remind governments about the need to respect their commitment to freedom of the press. But as the Biden administration proclaims the centrality of press freedom globally, its hypocrisy in pursuing journalist and publisher Julian Assange is stunning. | The Biden administration recently expressed outrage that Russia arrested journalist Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal, a United States citizen based in Moscow, for practicing journalism. Gershkovich is now incarcerated in Russia, facing espionage…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-03). Kiev's Terrorist Attack on Kremlin Sets Dangerous Global Precedent. libya360.wordpress.com Ekaterina Blinova Two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) approached Moscow's Kremlin, the official residence of the Russian president, and were downed through the use of electronic warfare equipment on May 3. The Russian leadership denounced the incident as a "terrorist act" and an attempt on the life of Vladimir Putin. "This story is related to…

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-03). NATO trains Norwegian battle group for war with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATONoble Jump's NATO Media Information CentreMay 3, 2023 Norwegian Battlegroup participates in NATO exercise Noble Jump 23 350 Norwegian military personnel began arriving in Sardinia, Italy on Apr. 28, 2023 to participate in exercise Noble Jump 23. Most Norwegians, 280 of them, are with the Telemark Battalion, a mechanised infantry battalion and part of Brigade …

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-03). Impending NATO inductee Finland welcomes "significant military infrastructure" from Pentagon. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NewsweekMay 3, 2023 U.S. Troops May Deploy to Finland Bases Amid Russia Threat American soldiers may soon be deploying to bases near Russia's border with Finland if ongoing talks on a new defense cooperation agreement (DCA) between Helsinki and Washington prove successful. Finnish newspaper Helsinki Sanomat reported Monday, citing Finnish Foreign Ministry official Mikael Antell, …

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-03). Russia and Cuba strengthen ties in the academic and scientific sector. plenglish.com Moscow, May 3 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Cuba continue to strengthen ties in the academic and scientific sectors, as a way to develop joint projects with an impact on the health of the population.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-03). Algeria-Russia: A Long-Standing Friendship to Be Cemented. libya360.wordpress.com Akram Kharief A real strategic agreement between Algiers and Moscow could have an impact on the GDP of both countries, and reinforce Russia's influence in the Western Mediterranean, in the Arab World and in Africa. It will confirm in a concrete way the friendship and common vision, which the two countries and two peoples have…

unitedEditor (2023-05-03). Another monument to terrorists will lead to big problems for Armenia. uwidata.com United World International author Mehmet Perinàßek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani site Day.Az about the inauguration of the "Nemesis Monument" in Armenia, which glorifies the bloody terrorist attacks that murdered 31 Turkish diplomats. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. ———————————————— The Nemesis Monument is a disgrace. Not …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-03). Workers' Struggle in Canada: National Populism or Plurinational Socialism? orinocotribune.com By B R Pal — May 1, 2023 | The working-class movement in Canada is very weak in its current state, following decades of neoliberalism and the Red Scare of the previous Cold War. For those looking for a dissident alternative to the hegemony of global finance on Bay Street, right-wing populism is increasingly filling this space. | The Establishment left is essentially that, established and tied at the hip with Liberalism, too domesticated to fight for any substantive gains in material conditions for working class or colonized people. As a result, in the decade and a half since the 2008 financial crisis, right-…

Tamara Nassar (2023-05-03). Khader Adnan, who yearned to live free, dies in Israeli prison. greenleft.org.au Khader Adnan died after 86 days of refusing food in protest of his detention by Israel, writes Tamara Nassar. He is the first Palestinian to die during a hunger strike in almost 40 years.

Arnie Alpert, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-05-03). First Boat To Protest Nuclear Weapons Inspires A New Generation. popularresistance.org Fredy Champagne has been a peace activist ever since he returned from combat in Vietnam. He's been kicked out of college, where he was accused of starting a riot. He's opened health clinics in Vietnam. He's delivered school buses to Cuba. But in 2010, he received a call that opened his eyes to a story of resistance he had never heard before. | The call was from one of Champagne's fellow members of Veterans for Peace, or VFP, asking him to go check out a boat that had been hauled out of the water in Humboldt Bay, California — only an hour's drive north from his home in Garberville, where he was serving as th…

channelnewsasia (2023-05-03). France, Japan sign nuclear partnership deal. channelnewsasia.com

JANET (2023-05-03). Peace activists respond to South Korean statements about developing its own nuclear weapons. iacenter.org

Palestine Action. (2023-05-03). The Siege Against Leicester's Israeli Weapons Factory Begins. popularresistance.org Palestine Action's siege has begun. Hundreds have descended on Meridian Business Park in Leicester to force Elbit's factory to shut down. The crowds began arriving this afternoon, and have been growing in number through the day. With banners, chants, flags, and rousing speeches delivered so far, the mass of people were welcomed later by an empowering performance by rapper and activist Lowkey, along with award winning actor and playwright Tayo Aluko, Palestinian Dabke, poetry, and more. | The Siege against Leicester's Elbit-owned UAV Tactical Systems ('U-TacS'), is a mass action which involves huge numbers willing…

Global Research News (2023-05-03). The Kremlin under Drone Attack, Failed Attempt to Assassinate President Putin? globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). LAC ambassadors and representatives discuss Chinese path to modernization and high-quality development. ecns.cn Last Friday, the 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Ambassadors Convention at Tsinghua University – "High-Quality Development and Chinese Path to Modernization" was successfully held. The event aims to enhance the development and cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries by gathering over 50 ambassadors and representatives from LAC countries and scholars and experts from Tsinghua University.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Cross-border passenger traffic resumes at Pulan Port in Tibet. ecns.cn A launching ceremony was held to resume two-way cross-border passenger traffic between China and Nepal at the plaza of China Pulan Port on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). 5.2-magnitude quake causes damage to buildings, infrastructures in SW China's Yunnan. ecns.cn A 5.2-magnitude earthquake that jolted Baoshan City in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Tuesday evening, causing damage to buildings and infrastructures of water, electricity, road, communication in the epicenter.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Nation's growth to drive upturn in Asia-Pacific. ecns.cn China's full border reopening has boosted its economic growth prospects and provided a stronger momentum for near-term growth in the Asia-Pacific region, experts at the International Monetary Fund said.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Middle East eyes tourists from China. ecns.cn The Middle Eastern countries looking to rehabilitate tourism are seeking greater exchanges with China amid its deepening engagements with the region.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Holiday trips ride high on cultural quests. ecns.cn Not a huge fan of crowds, He Fang, a 37-year-old bank employee from Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province, planned an eight-day family trip, which started three days ahead of the May Day holiday break.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Cruises set sail for biz surge in China. ecns.cn By 2035, the Chinese cruise market will reach a scale of 14 million passengers per year, according to the Several Opinions on Promoting the Development of China's Cruise Economy document that was issued by 10 ministries including the Ministry of Transport and the National Development and Reform Commission in 2018.

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Insights | Civil, cooperative EU-China relations good example for the world: foreign business leader. ecns.cn China's battery manufacturing and rare earth materials are necessary for Europe to complete the green transition, suggested Ivo Ganchev, Vice-Chairman of the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He said that European leaders have been favorable in their view of China and the way China contributed to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. China has made a commendable achievement and unbelievable progress in this regard. "ÄÄ "ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Ploughing festival celebrated in S China's Guangxi. ecns.cn Villagers carried out farming activities, including ploughing, weeding and catching fish in terraced fields to celebrate the festival. Tourists participated in the activities and enjoyed the magnificent scenery of the Longji terraced fields. "ÄÄ…

ecns.cn (2023-05-03). Satellite images show stunning view of islands in China. ecns.cn Satellite images taken by China's Jilin-1 satellite show the stunning view of islands in China in vivid detail"ÄÄduring the May Day holiday. "ÄÄ…

Andrew Bacewich (2023-05-03). China's rise as a superpower and the crumbling US empire. indybay.org Chinese diplomacy seems to me to be more imaginative and potentially more effective. That means that the world is changing in important and dramatic ways in terms of the distribution of power and influence around the world. | China is actually emerging as a global superpower on a par with the United States of America.

channelnewsasia (2023-05-03). China FM meets junta chief in Myanmar, vows support. channelnewsasia.com

channelnewsasia (2023-05-03). Starbucks sales, profits top estimates on China recovery. channelnewsasia.com

Staff (2023-05-03). 3 May, Montreal: Glory to the Martyr, Sheikh Khader Adnan. samidoun.net This action is organized by multiple Montreal-based groups: Montréal — Wednesday 3 May Métro Guy-Concordia — 5: 30 pm Call to action — Unity of destiny and loyalty to the martyrs in all of Palestine, from its river to its sea and its diaspora. Join us as we stand to honour the life of Sheikh Khader …

Anonymous669 (2023-05-03). Turkish Foreign Minister Says He Could Meet With His Syrian Counterpart In Moscow Next Week. southfront.org

channelnewsasia (2023-05-03). Myanmar junta pardons more than 2,000 political prisoners. channelnewsasia.com

Staff (2023-05-03). Ucrania trató de atacar el Kremlin con drones: Ni Putin ni ninguna otra persona resultó herida. cubadebate.cu Ucrania intentó atacar el Kremlin con drones la noche del martes al miércoles. Esta acción es considerada como un intento de asesinato contra el presidente Vladímir Putin, señaló el Kremlin, que calificó el ataque como un acto terrorista planificado, informa RT en Español.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-05-03). Rusia acusa a Ucrania de intentar matar al presidente Putin en un ataque con drones. telesurtv.net El incidente se produjo en medio de los preparativos para el tradicional desfile por el Día de la Victoria que se celebra en las afueras del Kremlim cada 9 de mayo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-05-03). Siria rechaza ataque israelí en Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. telesurtv.net El aeropuerto ha sido un canal clave para el flujo de ayuda al país después de que un terremoto azotara Turquía y Siria el 6 de febrero.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-05-03). Rusia acusa a Ucrania de intentar matar al presidente Putin. telesurtv.net El incidente se produjo en medio de los preparativos para el tradicional desfile por el Día de la Victoria que se celebra en las afueras del Kremlim cada 9 de mayo.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-03). Israel realiza un nuevo ataque contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento no se han recibido reportes oficiales de lesionados ni fallecidos.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-05-02). Ecuador and China will sign significant trade agreement on May 10. plenglish.com Quito, May 3 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador and China will sign a trade agreement between the two countries on May 10, reported the Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, Julio José Prado.

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