2020-11-27: News Headlines

Andrew Korybko (2020-11-27). Dangerous Crossroads: NATO's Attempted Infringement of Russia's Airspace and Maritime Borders. globalresearch.ca Recent attempted infringements of Russia's airspace and maritime borders by NATO are very dangerous instances of de-facto brinksmanship intended to provoke the Eurasian Great Power into reacting in a way that could then be manipulated as the "plausible pretext" for …

John Pilger (2020-11-27). Britain's Class War on Children. counterpunch.org When I first reported on child poverty in Britain, I was struck by the faces of children I spoke to, especially the eyes. They were different: watchful, fearful. In Hackney, in 1975, I filmed Irene Brunsden's family. Irene told me she gave her two-year-old a plate of cornflakes. "She doesn't tell me she's hungry, she

commondreams (2020-11-27). NIAC Statement on the Attempted Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist. commondreams.org ______________________________…

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-27). Iran to make terrorists regret their act. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) — A military aide to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said Iran will make the terrorists who are behind the assassination of its nuclear scientist regret their act.

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-27). Scientist's assassination a coward move with Israeli role. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) — Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif strongly condemned the assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist, saying the coward move had serious indications of the Israeli regime's role.

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-27). Enemies not to stop plotting against Iran: Amir-Abdollahian. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) — Stating that the enemies will not stop plotting against the country, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the nuclear scientist assassination shows the US-Zionist effort to continue to hit the advancement of science in Iran.

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-27). Terror attack not to set back Iran nuclear program. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 27 (MNA) — Spokesman for Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said that assassination of nuclear scientists does not set back Iran's nuclear program.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-11-27). Iran offers full commitment to JCPOA if Biden decides to re-join the nuclear deal and lift all sanctions. peoplesdispatch.org The Trump administration unilaterally withdrew from the deal in May 2018 and imposed various sanctions against Iran without any international approval…

_____ (2020-11-27). U.S. Election 'Success'… And Hey Presto 'Russian Interference' Disappears. strategic-culture.org The United States' election victory of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has yet to be officially confirmed. That requires the 500-plus Electoral College comprising the 50 federal states to cast the final vote when the constitutional body meets on December 14. Biden holds a commanding lead of over 300 delegates in the Electoral College, more than 70 above Donald Trump's quota and decisively more than the 270 threshold required for election to the White House. | Nonetheless, already one thing is indisputably clear. Biden's nominal victory from the popular vote tallies is glaring proof that Russia did not i…

RT (2020-11-26). Is 'herd immunity' the answer after all? Moscow mayor claims that HALF of city's 12 million residents are now 'IMMUNE' to Covid-19. rt.com While most of Europe's large cities are now under strict lockdown to prevent Covid's spread, the biggest of them all, Moscow, is an exception. Instead of shutting down bars, shops and restaurants, a lighter touch has been applied. | On Thursday, the city's mayor indicated that the strategy — a mixture of appealing to personal responsibility and ordering relatively small-scale restrictions, while also beefing up hospital capacity — seems to be working. Sergey Sobyanin told national TV that about 50 percent of Muscovites are now immune to Covid-19 infection. | "The current option for slowing down the e…

RT (2020-11-26). READ: From hormone treatment to punishment in solitary, Maria Butina's book lays bare her US prison horror and what she saw there. rt.com In a freshly-published book, Maria Butina has documented her time inside the American prison system, where she spent more than a year after being dubbed a foreign agent acting on behalf of Moscow's 'influence campaign.' | The book '#Prison diary' is based on the journal Butina kept chronicling her experiences behind bars, including the time she spent in solitary confinement. | The young gun rights activist from Siberia was in the US on a student visa when she was arrested in July 2018. It was the height of the Russiagate scandal surrounding allegations that Moscow actively meddled in American affairs to get Do…

sputniknews (2020-11-26). Nusra Militants Launched 29 Attacks on Syria's Idlib De-Escalation Zone. sputniknews.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Syrian militants from the Nusra Front terror group* carried out 29 attacks across the de-escalation zone in and around the northwestern province of Idlib, the deputy head of Russia's Syria reconciliation centre said on Thursday.

WSWS (2020-11-26). Hailing election security, New York Times drops its "Russian meddling" narrative. wsws.org The fact that it is absent from the Times' November 22 editorial makes absolutely clear one basic fact: the entire anti-Russia narrative is a deliberate fabrication.

sputniknews (2020-11-26). Venezuela's UN Envoy Calls for Alliance of Nations Against US Sanctions – Video. sputniknews.com Venezuelan UN envoy Samuel Moncada has called for cooperation between the 29 nations currently under unilateral US sanctions to "mitigate" their effects – just as Iran, Russia and Cuba have helped his country in the past.

_____ (2020-11-25). CIA Partners With Google, Amazon And IBM. popularresistance.org AWS currently holds the sole contract to provide cloud computing services to a number of intelligence agencies, including the FBI and the NSA. That contract is set to expire in 2023 and this new award — managed by the CIA — will further weaken Amazon's once privileged position in the federal money sweepstakes, which had already taken a hard hit when Microsoft was unexpectedly chosen over Bezos' company for the Department of Defense's own cloud services contract for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) program.

Staff (2020-11-25). Headlines for November 25, 2020. democracynow.org U.S. Sees Deadliest Day in Pandemic in Over 6 Months as Hospitalizations Reach Record High, U.S. to Begin Pfizer Vaccine Distribution by Mid-December, France Readies to Ease Restrictions as Italy and Spain Record Highest Death Tolls of Second Wave, Russia Says Sputnik Vaccine Over 95% Effective, Biden National Security Appointments Focus on Multilateralism, International Cooperation, Trump Takes Credit for Historic Dow Jones Surge, Plans Election Hearing with Giuliani at Gettysburg, Donors Pledge $12 Billion in Afghan Aid as 14 Killed in Bamiyan in Latest Act of Violence, Ethiopia Warns of Imminent Attack in Tigr…

Manlio Dinucci (2020-11-25). Are U.S. nuclear missiles returning to Europe? workers.org U.S. nuclear missiles to threaten Russia, Europe? Published Nov. 17 in the Italian daily newspaper, Il Manifesto, where Dinucci analyzes military developments. Translation by John Catalinotto. More than five years ago we published a headline in the [June 9, 2015] issue of Il Manifesto: "Are the missiles coming back to . . . |

Eds. (2020-11-25). U.S.-China relations: Beijing slams State Department report 'concocted by Cold War fossils'. mronline.org China has described a U.S. report on how Washington should confront and contain Beijing as having been "concocted by Cold War fossils" who are destined to be "swept into the garbage dump of history".

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2020-11-25). Return of Great Game in Post-Soviet Central Asia. globalresearch.ca The recent Issue Brief by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission entitled

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2020-11-25). Putin Talks Global Stability and Coronavirus Vaccine with Ambassadors. globalresearch.ca While receiving newly arrived Ambassadors accredited to the Russian Federation from different foreign countries including Rwanda, Gambia and Central African Republic, President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of coordinating global efforts to ensure stability and halt the spread of coronavirus …

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-25). VIDEO: Russia thwarts ISIL attack in Moscow, detains one. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 25 (MNA) — Russia's Federal Security Service said on Wednesday it had thwarted "terror" attacks planned by ISIL in the Moscow region, uncovering and breaking up a militant cell.

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-25). US impose sanctions on Chinese, Russian firms over Iran deals. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 25 (MNA) — The Trump administration has imposed sanctions on some Chinese and Russian firms, claiming that they were promoting Iran's missile program.

RT (2020-11-24). 'John McCain' warship drama: US Navy defends vessel entering Russian waters by blasting Moscow's 'EXCESSIVE maritime claims'. rt.com The US Navy has called Russia's claims of maritime territory "excessive" and described an alleged incursion by one of its ships, the USS 'John S. McCain', into Russian waters as a routine "Freedom of Navigation Operation." | Russia's Ministry of Defense

Evelyn Leopold (2020-11-24). Biden is Facing a Showdown on Iran Sanctions. counterpunch.org President Trump has called the Obama-initiated nuclear agreement for Iran a "horrible one-sided deal" and withdrew from it in 2018. Except he really didn't. This past summer, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began a series of appeals to the UN Security Council, saying that the United States was still a member of the deal, based

RT (2020-11-24). Over ONE BILLION doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19 expected to be ready in 2021 as producer promises low prices. rt.com More than 500 million people will be able to take the pioneering Russian Sputnik V vaccine to fight coronavirus next year, according to is developers, who say the jab will be sold cheaper than those of its foreign competitors. | The drug will be produced not only in Russia but also by "leading foreign pharmaceutical companies" which have agreed to cooperation deals with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Talks with additional international partners are underway to further increase production capacity. | "Sputnik V will be two or more times cheaper than mRNA vaccines with similar efficacy levels," RDIF…

RT (2020-11-24). Over 1 BILLION doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against Covid expected in 2021 as producer promises low prices. rt.com More than 500 million people will be able to take the pioneering Russian Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus next year. Its developers say the two-shot jab will be sold cheaper than those of its foreign competitors. | The drug will be produced not only in Russia but also by "leading foreign pharmaceutical companies" who agreed to cooperation deals with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Talks with additional international partners are underway to further increase production capacity. | "Sputnik V will be two or more times cheaper than mRNA vaccines with similar efficacy levels," RDIF said in a st…

RT (2020-11-24). Commercial interests & Russia/West geopolitical struggle combine to make race for Covid-19 vaccines a new battleground. rt.com It seems that the struggle to find a remedy to deal with coronavirus is being overtaken by geopolitical rivalries and prejudice. Not to mention the commercial interests at stake in a market potentially worth up to $100 billion. | Another vaccine has entered the race to rid the world of the Covid-19 pandemic, but unlike the US version, when the team behind the British-produced AstraZeneca product announced its successful preliminary trial results, the company's shares plummeted in trading on Monday. | By contrast, US pharma giant Pfizer's earlier announcement, on November 9, saw stock markets around the world (…

South Front (2020-11-24). Video: Armenia Is Trolling Russia, Digging Its Own Grave Around the Clock. globalresearch.ca As of November 23, the Russian peacekeeping force has finished its deployment in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, that included the sending 1960 personnel and 552 units of equipment. The total number of observation posts currently kept by Russian forces in …

Yves Engler (2020-11-24). Canada: The Hypocrisy of Liberals' Nuclear Policy. globalresearch.ca A Vancouver MP's last-minute withdrawal from a recent webinar on Canada's nuclear arms policy highlights Liberal hypocrisy. The government says they want to rid the world of nuclear weapons but refuse to take a minimal step to protect humanity from …

Yuri Martins Fontes (2020-11-24). Golpe colorido na Bielorrússia: o projeto liberal da oposiàßà£o. globalresearch.ca Conforme exposto na primeira parte desta reportagem, o governo Lukashenko em época de crise mundial foi balanàßado, com a investida da oposiàßà£o bielorrussa após as eleiàßàµes; e em especial porque estava estremecido com o forte parceiro Putin, sem poder nele …

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-24). Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to be enforceable. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) – Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced that Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has reached quorum required to be enforceable i.e. it was approved by 50 countries and will be enforceable after 90 days as of Jan. 22.

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-24). Zarif holds phone talk with Lavrov over Nagorno-Karabakh. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif held a phone talk with his Russian counterpart Lavrov on important regional issues, including the JCPOA, the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and Syria.

Mike Pappas, Luigi Morris (2020-11-24). Capitalist Competition Is Sabotaging the Race for a Vaccine. commondreams.org The global race for a Covid-19 vaccine appears to be in its final leg. The research was publicly funded. But Big Pharma stands to make enormous profits, at the expense of people the world over. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/russia-covid-vaccine.jpg