2020-11-25: News Headlines

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2020-11-25). Return of Great Game in Post-Soviet Central Asia. globalresearch.ca The recent Issue Brief by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission entitled

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2020-11-25). Putin Talks Global Stability and Coronavirus Vaccine with Ambassadors. globalresearch.ca While receiving newly arrived Ambassadors accredited to the Russian Federation from different foreign countries including Rwanda, Gambia and Central African Republic, President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of coordinating global efforts to ensure stability and halt the spread of coronavirus …

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-25). VIDEO: Russia thwarts ISIL attack in Moscow, detains one. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 25 (MNA) — Russia's Federal Security Service said on Wednesday it had thwarted "terror" attacks planned by ISIL in the Moscow region, uncovering and breaking up a militant cell.

Stephen Lendman (2020-11-24). Big Lie that Won't Die: Russiagate Still Around. globalresearch.ca The scheme was cooked up by Obama/Biden regime Russophobes John Brennan, Hillary and the DNC — to smear Russia and discredit Trump at the same time. | It aimed to maintain and escalate US hostility toward the Russian Federation — for …

South Front (2020-11-24). Video: Armenia Is Trolling Russia, Digging Its Own Grave Around the Clock. globalresearch.ca As of November 23, the Russian peacekeeping force has finished its deployment in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, that included the sending 1960 personnel and 552 units of equipment. The total number of observation posts currently kept by Russian forces in …

Evelyn Leopold (2020-11-24). Biden is Facing a Showdown on Iran Sanctions. counterpunch.org President Trump has called the Obama-initiated nuclear agreement for Iran a "horrible one-sided deal" and withdrew from it in 2018. Except he really didn't. This past summer, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began a series of appeals to the UN Security Council, saying that the United States was still a member of the deal, based

RT (2020-11-24). Over ONE BILLION doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against Covid-19 expected to be ready in 2021 as producer promises low prices. rt.com More than 500 million people will be able to take the pioneering Russian Sputnik V vaccine to fight coronavirus next year, according to is developers, who say the jab will be sold cheaper than those of its foreign competitors. | The drug will be produced not only in Russia but also by "leading foreign pharmaceutical companies" which have agreed to cooperation deals with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Talks with additional international partners are underway to further increase production capacity. | "Sputnik V will be two or more times cheaper than mRNA vaccines with similar efficacy levels," RDIF…

RT (2020-11-24). Commercial interests & Russia/West geopolitical struggle combine to make race for Covid-19 vaccines a new battleground. rt.com It seems that the struggle to find a remedy to deal with coronavirus is being overtaken by geopolitical rivalries and prejudice. Not to mention the commercial interests at stake in a market potentially worth up to $100 billion. | Another vaccine has entered the race to rid the world of the Covid-19 pandemic, but unlike the US version, when the team behind the British-produced AstraZeneca product announced its successful preliminary trial results, the company's shares plummeted in trading on Monday. | By contrast, US pharma giant Pfizer's earlier announcement, on November 9, saw stock markets around the world (…

RT (2020-11-24). 'John McCain' warship drama: US Navy defends vessel entering Russian waters by blasting Moscow's 'EXCESSIVE maritime claims'. rt.com The US Navy has called Russia's claims of maritime territory "excessive" and described an alleged incursion by one of its ships, the USS 'John S. McCain', into Russian waters as a routine "Freedom of Navigation Operation." | Russia's Ministry of Defense

RT (2020-11-24). Over 1 BILLION doses of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine against Covid expected in 2021 as producer promises low prices. rt.com More than 500 million people will be able to take the pioneering Russian Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus next year. Its developers say the two-shot jab will be sold cheaper than those of its foreign competitors. | The drug will be produced not only in Russia but also by "leading foreign pharmaceutical companies" who agreed to cooperation deals with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Talks with additional international partners are underway to further increase production capacity. | "Sputnik V will be two or more times cheaper than mRNA vaccines with similar efficacy levels," RDIF said in a st…

RT (2020-11-24). US Navy defends entering Russian waters by blasting Moscow's 'EXCESSIVE' maritime claims. rt.com The US Navy has called Russia's maritime claims "excessive" and described an alleged incursion by one of its ships, the USS John S. McCain, into Russian waters as a routine "Freedom of Navigation Operation." | The Russian Ministry of Defense

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-24). Zarif holds phone talk with Lavrov over Nagorno-Karabakh. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif held a phone talk with his Russian counterpart Lavrov on important regional issues, including the JCPOA, the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and Syria.

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-24). Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to be enforceable. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) – Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced that Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has reached quorum required to be enforceable i.e. it was approved by 50 countries and will be enforceable after 90 days as of Jan. 22.

Yuri Martins Fontes (2020-11-24). Golpe colorido na Bielorrússia: o projeto liberal da oposiàßà£o. globalresearch.ca Conforme exposto na primeira parte desta reportagem, o governo Lukashenko em época de crise mundial foi balanàßado, com a investida da oposiàßà£o bielorrussa após as eleiàßàµes; e em especial porque estava estremecido com o forte parceiro Putin, sem poder nele …

Yves Engler (2020-11-24). Canada: The Hypocrisy of Liberals' Nuclear Policy. globalresearch.ca A Vancouver MP's last-minute withdrawal from a recent webinar on Canada's nuclear arms policy highlights Liberal hypocrisy. The government says they want to rid the world of nuclear weapons but refuse to take a minimal step to protect humanity from …

Mike Pappas, Luigi Morris (2020-11-24). Capitalist Competition Is Sabotaging the Race for a Vaccine. commondreams.org The global race for a Covid-19 vaccine appears to be in its final leg. The research was publicly funded. But Big Pharma stands to make enormous profits, at the expense of people the world over. | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files/styles/cd_special_coverage/public/views-article/thumbs/russia-covid-vaccine.jpg

RT (2020-11-23). American man with rare muscle atrophy comes to Russia & walks again, after US doctors gave him no chance of recovery (VIDEO). rt.com An American man with a rare muscle disorder took a chance on Russia after doctors back home gave him little hope of walking again. In the US, Alan Spencer's prognosis varied between being bedridden for life or wheelchair-bound. | Now, after a month of treatment, under the guidance of Russian specialists, he's able to walk on his own. | Spencer first felt something was wrong with his health around five years ago. Initially, it was his hands that lost their strength, then his condition began gradually worsening. | He was diagnosed with a very rare inflammatory muscle disorder known as inclusion body myositis, wi…

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-23). E3 foreign ministers to discuss Iran nuclear deal. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 23 (MNA) — Foreign ministers of Germany, UK and France in a trilateral meeting on Monday will review the latest development on Iran's 2015 nuclear deal, JCPOA.

Johanna Ross (2020-11-23). How the 'Russian Threat' Is Being Used to Scare Scots Away from Independence. globalresearch.ca UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has — albeit inadvertently — single-handedly done his utmost to encourage the Scottish independence movement since he took office, even last week causing more offence north of the border with his 'devolution was a disaster' …

Never Forgive, Never Forget (2020-11-23). 57 Years Since 11/22/63 Kennedy Assassination. indybay.org We managed to get rid of the worst president in memory, Nazi Trump, in this year's election, but the nuclear holocaust threat remains. Instructive to all in public speaking and war & peace as a basic issue is Pres. John Kennedy's speech on 6/10/63 at American University, now on Youtube, at www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZsG4qbw_tY&feature=emb_logo

oneworld.press (2020-11-23). Russian-Moldovan Relations Might Become Much More Difficult To Manage. oneworld.press Pro-Western Maia Sandu's victory in the second round of the Moldovan presidential elections last week might make bilateral relations with Russia much more difficult to manage than they were under her Russian-friendly predecessor, with the worst-case scenario being a new East-West crisis in the event that Moldova attempts to (re)unify with Romania and/or militarily resolve the frozen Transnistrian Conflict while the "best-case" one might realistically be a "managed decoupling" between the two with time.

sputniknews (2020-11-22). Karabakh Leader Thanks Russia, Putin for Helping End Violence in Unrecognized Republic. sputniknews.com YEREVAN (Sputnik) – Arayik Harutyunyan, the president of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, on Sunday thanked Russia and its President Vladimir Putin for providing assistance in ending the six-week conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the disputed region.

South Front (2020-11-22). Video: Azerbaijani Troops Enter First of Districts that Are Set to be Returned Under Karabakh Deal. globalresearch.ca Late on November 19, Azerbaijani troops started entering the district of Agdam in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Agdam is one of the districts surrounding the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic that Azerbaijan lost to Armenian forces after …

MEE staff (2020-11-22). Imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard flying to Israel after US parole ends. middleeasteye.net Imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard flying to Israel after US parole ends | Cold War spy passed on information about American intelligence agencies to Israel | Sun, 11/22/2020 – 09: 30 | Jonathan Pollard spent 30 years in prison for spying for Israel (AFP) | The spy Jonathan Pollard, who was jailed for spying against the United States in the 1980s, has been cleared to fly to Israel, where he will be welcomed by th…

RT (2020-11-22). Russia claims its pioneering Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine will cost less than Western rivals as US pharma giants announce price tags. rt.com First the vaccines, now the bill. As G20 leaders called, at the weekend, for fair distribution, US pharma giants have started to announce how much their products will cost,. Meanwhile, Russia says its alternative will be cheaper. | The two American drug makers that aim to bring their vaccines to market first have now revealed their pricing strategies. Pfizer, which filed for US approval of its formula on Saturday, said earlier that a dose of its product will carry a $19.50 price tag. Moderna, thought to be close to signing a deal for a comprehensive rollout in the European Union, announced this week that it wi…

RT (2020-11-22). Ruling party claims facile victory in Georgian parliamentary elections as uncontested vote marred by allegations of voter fraud. rt.com Candidates from the governing Georgian Dream party have claimed unopposed victories in all 17 of Georgia's parliamentary constituencies, in this weekend's election. It was held without opposition parties, who staged a boycott. | Saturday's vote was the follow up to a poll held on October 31st, in which Georgian Dream won an absolute majority, with the system using a combination of nationwide proportional representation and local constituency-based votes. The Electoral Commission has warned of possible manipulation. | At the time, all nine rival parties that had won seats accused the governing party of stealing…

_____ (2020-11-22). What If the Whole of Modern American History You Know Is Wrong? And What of COVID-19? strategic-culture.org Bill SARDI | I know Americans young and old haven't the time to listen to the late So, allow me to summarize what Dr. Sutton said a few years ago: US industry was behind the re-arming of Russia — -the "cold war" was contrived; and U.S. companies financially and industrially b…

Mehr News Agency (2020-11-22). Iran to operate 174 IR-M2 centrifuges at Natanz facility. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 22 (MNA) — Iran's Permanent Representative to International Organizations Kazem Gharibabadi says the country will operate 174 advanced IR-M2 centrifuges at Natanz nuclear facility.

sputniknews (2020-11-22). 'You Can Lie Remotely': Russian MFA Spokeswoman Zakharova Piques NYT Headhunt in Moscow. sputniknews.com Around a week ago, The New York Times posted a "legendary" job offer, seeking a daredevil who would cover Russia – a country that, according to the outlet, "has its cyber agents sow chaos and disharmony in the West to tarnish its democratic systems, while promoting its faux version of democracy".

sputniknews (2020-11-22). Belarus to Produce First Batch of Russian COVID-19 Vaccine This Year, Acting Health Minister Says. sputniknews.com MINSK (Sputnik) – Belarus will produce Sputnik V, the first batch of the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus, before the end of the year, Acting Health Minister Dmitry Pinevich said on Sunday.

Editor (2020-11-22). A New Cold War Could Be Just Around the Corner. scheerpost.com Antonio R. Villaraigosa / CC BY-NC 2.0] By Cassandra Stimpson and Holly Zhang / TomDispatch War: what is it good for? Apparently, in Washington's world of think tanks, the answer is: the bottom line. In fact, as the Biden presidency approaches, an era of great-power competition between the United States and China is already taken for granted inside the Washington Beltway. Much less well known are… |

RT (2020-11-21). Russia blacklists 25 British individuals in tit-for-tat move over UK's imposition of 'Magnitsky List' sanctions. rt.com Moscow has imposed sanctions on 25 British individuals, mirroring restrictions rolled out by London earlier this year over the case of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian tax auditor who died in police custody back in 2009. | The announcement was made by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Saturday. | "In response to the unfriendly actions of the British authorities and on the basis of the principle of reciprocity, the Russian side made a decision to impose personal sanctions against 25 representatives of Britain who are barred from entering Russia," Zakharova said in a statement, without naming th…

RT (2020-11-21). Covid-19 pandemic could bring economic crisis on scale of 'Great Depression,' Putin tells G20 — warns of poverty & social disorder. rt.com Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could lead to a global economic collapse that would have a significant impact on the lives of millions of people across the world. | Speaking at the virtual G20 summit of international leaders on Saturday, Putin warned that, "despite some positive signals, the main risk is still the so-called stagnant mass unemployment with a subsequent increase in poverty and social disorder." | "The coronavirus epidemic, the global lockdown and the freezing of economic activity launched a systemic economic crisis, which the modern world has not known s…

RT (2020-11-21). US again threatens sanctions on European companies over Nord Stream 2 as Russian-German pipeline project ploughs ahead. rt.com The US State Department has warned of potential retaliation against a number of European companies involved in the construction of a controversial new gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. | According to Hamburg-based news agency DPA, companies involved in the construction of the infrastructure under the Baltic Sea have been given a final warning from Washington. An American government official is quoted in reports as saying "this pipeline will not take place… The US does not want to impose sanctions on European companies. We are making these calls to caution them and give them time to get out." | The Nord St…

RT (2020-11-21). Anti-LGBT 'arsonist' requests asylum in Russia claiming he is target of 'extremist' Brazilian gay community. rt.com A Brazilian man accused of attacking a movie company over its depiction of Jesus Christ as homosexual has asked Russia for asylum after being arrested in Moscow in September at the request of Interpol. | Eduardo Fauzi is among five suspects in what prosecutors say is an attempted murder and was detained on behalf of international police in Russia after being added to a wanted list. | Fauzi stands accused of throwing Molotov cocktails at the Portados Fundos movie studio in Rio de Janeiro, endangering the life of a security guard who had been inside the building at the time. The production company had been invol…

Matthew J.L. Ehret (2020-11-21). John F. Kennedy and America's Lost Patriotic Heritage. dissidentvoice.org Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe…. — President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address Where China and Russia are currently leading a new paradigm …